Monday, 20 January 2020

a day in the hague & voorlinden museum

v o o r l i n d e n 
t h e  h a g u e 

a little outing to the big political centre

the hague is beautiful. with it's streets and vintage shops. laughter-filled bars and restaurants. the fairy-lights twinkling in the treetops. magic. i should visit more often, is what i thought to myself as we were walking on the cobbled street. towards the beautiful binnenhof.

Monday, 13 January 2020

what i did on christmas break

First of all, happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely first two weeks (already!) of the year 2020. I certainly did, but last monday the uni-life kind of exploded in my face and I was reminded of the fact how much I still needed to do before the end of the week. But everything went well and I'm feeling this great energy to start this new year!

Over the two weeks of my holiday I took a few snaps of what I was doing & loving. I always love to read weeklogs, but if I were to do them they wouldn't be very interesting. ("So... I went to school. Again.") That's why this recap could be a bit more interesting, since I had the time to do some things else than school ;)
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