Sunday, 14 June 2020

i dressed like rachel green from friends

Like probably 73% of the inhabitants of Earth, I have recently been obsessed with Friends again. My brother is watching it at the moment and I saw it popping up on my Netflix as well, speaking to me like an inner voice, saying: Watch me, watch me!  I remember, the first time I watched season 1, being even more obsessed with Rachel’s outfits. And Monica’s. Now I fell back into that pattern again and ended up pinning all her outfits on Pinterest. I also came across this post from Avewill. She dressed like Rachel Green for a week and I thought, well that is a great challenge.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

a teacup of life - week 23

I swear, this week felt like a whole month. When I look at the pictures of the beach I took I can’t believe that was past Sunday. For a minute I thought my phone had it wrong. I think it’s because of the weather: it was really hot and sunny in the beginning of the week, but the sun has swapped for wind and rain in the last few days.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

a guide to: calligraphy

Hi all! I hope you’re doing well. In this post I want to share some tips and tricks to get calligraphy-ing! I have been loving it for years now and doing it whenever I feel like I need a new quote on my wall. But when I started out I got frustrated by the not-getting-it-right-right-away feeling. It took me some practice and helpful tips to get where I am now and my hands are just aching to share it with you!
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